I hate how I look in this photo, but I love what it signifies. |
If you follow me on
Twitter, you're aware that I finally ran a mile without stopping last Friday. It took almost 17 minutes, but three weeks ago I couldn't even run for five minutes straight. Seventeen would've killed me.
My trainer's set up a reward system for when I hit certain goals. For running my first mile, I got to eat fried ice cream. (It's sounds weird, but it's SO good!) The night before, my motivation to get to that point was thinking about that ice cream. It's really heaven on a plate.
Giving yourself rewards really work, especially if they're food rewards. If you're still getting used to the insane lifestyle change of becoming a healthy person, then you will have cravings and do anything for them to be fulfilled. Junk food is literally a drug and I was addicted for 23 years. I swear if someone comes near me with McDonald's fries, I will snatch them and run off, while stuffing my face with their greasy delight. That said, my next reward is fries cooked in olive oil. That will happen when I lose fifteen pounds. Only five more to go!
Speaking of goals, I'm totally committed to losing 30 pounds in the next six months. I'm not going to stop there, but that's my main goal and every day I realize how much I want to be healthy. I was at Super Wal-Mart yesterday and there's a McDonald's in there. And people were walking around with burgers in their hands. And Dr Peppers were on sale. But I only bought the healthy stuff and didn't even get a pint of ice cream, which is actually OK with my trainer as long as I don't eat the whole thing in one sitting.
Today, as I ate chicken and green beans, while sipping on water, I thought to myself:
The old Brianti would call me a freak.
SATURDAY: Run around my block; time: 6 minutes, 40 seconds
WEDNESDAY: 1.5 mile jog, 3 sets of 16
reps w/ 15lb weights, 3 sets of 10 on cross bar, quadruple ab workout
(It's hard to explain, but insanely tough!)
THURSDAY: 1.5 mile jog; 3 sets of 12 straight posture exercises; 3 sets of 12 side posture exercises; 3 sets of 12 bar pulls at 55 pounds; 3 sets of 10 weight lifting with 20 pound weights
FRIDAY: We moved it to tonight instead of this mornings, so we'll see.