Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Mood Board: Can You Not? Thanks.

My face when someone spouts their ignorant philosophy.

One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to stop avoiding conflict. I spent many years letting people say dumb or insulting things to me and just tried to ignore it because I don't particularly like confrontation. Well, eight months into 2015 and it's a new era. I feel way more confident calling people out, especially when they're ignorant.

I'm really happy to live in an era where people are having more frank discussions about race, ethnicity, politics, women's rights, LGBT rights, etc. Unfortunately, I'm confronted with people all the time who don't understand anything.

Let's be clear: in the age of the Internet, if you're ignorant, that's all on you and you looked even dumber than you would've 30 years ago because everything's at your fingertips. The library is no longer the only place to find information because now it's everywhere. Almost a year ago, I decided to really start learning more about social issues and I did it mostly by using Internet resources.

My mood board today is about things that annoy me, but are so easy to change, like cultural appropriation, people always wanting to give me a nickname instead of saying my full name and double standards.