Friday, February 24, 2012

Fitness Friday: Workout Schedule

It's been almost two weeks since I started this fitness journey. And it feels like two years, but I can feel a difference in my body and I think I'm totally committed this time. I haven't eaten any fast food and when I went to eat out with friends last week, I choose healthy options and watched my portions.

This is my workout schedule right now. It's a BEAST! But you've got to work hard to get results. I'll continue to add a more condensed version (since we change it up a bit every week) at the end of these posts, along with my current weight loss.

When you spend six days working out, stretching helps with the soreness and improves flexibility. I have no balance, so it really consists of me falling over and giggling a lot, while my trainer insists this is supposed to be relaxing.

I had a conference call and got out of training for a day. Boss!

1 mile jog on the treadmill
3 sets of 12 reps with 15 pound weights
3 sets of 12 reps with ab crunch with 20 pound bar / 10 sit-ups in between sets
3 sets of 12 pull down bar at 40 pounds
3 sets of 12 cable cross overs at 30 pounds

We got our schedules mixed up, so I didn't have a formal training session. I went to the gym on my own time and ran 1 mile on the treadmill.

1 mile jog on treadmill
3 sets of 12 lunges with 15 pound weights
3 sets of 10 squats with 40 pound barbell
3 sets of 12 reps at 55 pounds on the hip adduction/abduction machine
3 sets of 12 leg curls at 55 pounds
3 sets of 12 leg extensions at 40 pounds

I go to the gym tonight, so who knows? Except my trainer, of course. Last week, I did the elliptical for a mile, 95 sit ups (in two different exercises) and posture exercises. Plus, wall sits, which definitely a creation of Satan.

On Saturdays, I get to run around my huge apartment complex. Obviously, there's a cardio benefit, but we're also going to use it to see how my time improves as we progress.

If you have questions about a particular workout, I'd love to answer them. I'd also love some suggestions for fun stuff I can do after all this hard stuff is over.

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