Friday, June 8, 2012

On the Real: Mid-Year Resolutions

First, this picture changed my life. OK, not really, but just LOOK AT IT! It's subtly sequined amazingness and I'm not sure how I lived before seeing it. In my old age I plan to wear gowns everywhere. Because I'll be old and it'll be cute and not as weird. But still kinda weird.

This week's been CRAZY. Good news: re-staffing seems to be going along smoothly. (A little too smoothly, if you catch my drift. I've got my eye on you, life. I know how sneaky you can be.) Bad news: I quit MyEveryzine because I was two days away from pulling out my hair and singing nursery rhymes to myself in the corner of my room, while watching a Winnie-the-Pooh sing-a-long tape over and over again. (Was that freakishly vivid? I'm thinking that may have crossed some kind of line and you're now wondering about my sanity. But I'm totally sane! Although, that is what an insane person would say...)

Other good news: Ruffled Feathers is doing great in its first week! I knew our bloggers were awesome, but I didn't know how awesome until this week. They're on fire, you guys. Seriously. Someone get a fire extinguisher. And allow me to stop, drop and roll because I wrote several posts this week, including one on how much I love Emma Stone. But who doesn't absolutely adore her, really?

I know it's June, but I'm adding a New Year's resolution to my list. I will no longer comment my feelings on news stories people share via social media. It's not in my nature to argue, so when I state my feelings, they're just a statement. But then everybody freaks out and turns on me. It wouldn't bother me so much if most of them were people I don't know. Why would you care about how I feel? I have absolutely no idea of who you are! (Also, I'm afraid these strangers will try to add me on Facebook later and I don't add people I haven't had at least two real conversations with. Seriously. There are people I've rejected who I knew all through high school, but if we never talked, you're a stranger. My mom told me long ago to never talk to strangers.) Plus, I'm in the media, so I have this totally different perspective and everyone's excuse is always that the media is making a big deal of things. No, they're reporting a story. When you share it on Twitter, call people and start a discussion amongst your peers, you're making the big deal. The news is in your hands, guys. Do with it what you choose.

OK, I'm done now. I've just been putting little comments on posts here and there for the past week to see if I was one of those people who can have conversations on the Internet and it was a failed experiment. From now on, I'll just share stories and keep my opinion to myself. I'm always more interested in the opinions of others, anyway.

On the real, though, can't we all just respect one another's opinions and agree to disagree?


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