Friday, September 21, 2012

For Real Friday: So Not the Drama

Surprisingly, I've been really happy living with my family. I don't want to do this forever, but it's nice to pick up my little sister from school, take my sisters out to the movies or dinner and watch a movie with the family or ESPN with my dad.

The downside is that I forgot about the people I grew up with who haven't yet learned what it is to be an adult. I had the privilege to go to school and have experiences that really matured me, including going abroad. Thankfully, all my friends who never really left have grown up and they do take responsibility for their actions. It's crazy that some of them are moms and wives, but I'm just happy they're not still the same people we were in high school.

I had an experience a few weeks ago where a close friend withheld a really serious situation from her life because she thought I was the same person I was in high school. (Unfortunately, I was a little judgmental. Now, the only thing I judge is celebrity fashion choices and that's because they have no excuse to act that way when they have a team of people dressing them and can still find a way to look bad. C'mon, people.) After seeing and dealing with some people I knew during my adolescence, I'm not surprised she thought that. I've been constantly surprised by some of the actions they're taking to resolve conflicts. While I've learned to handle my issues through conversation and finding middle ground, they haven't. It's both scary and, frankly, sad.

The past year, I haven't really updated Change Starts Here because I've reached a point in my life where I don't deal with the issues most young women deal with. When I say I hate drama, I actually mean it. I avoid it like the plague by never letting people in my life who will bring drama into it. But living in the town where I grew up, it will be hard for me to avoid because it's everyone's favorite pasttime. And I'm also constantly seeing so many things women are going through via social media. I'm going to try to get back into doing my self-esteem stuff and I have some ideas of how it will be different. But I just need to make sure I have the time to be consistent. My life's a little crazy right now, honestly.

But be looking out for updates. I did post a video on Feather last week about inner beauty, so you can get an idea of where things will go from here.

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